
Dive @Okinawa!

と言う事で、、週末に弾丸で沖縄本島に潜りに行ってきました♪ 金曜日の最終便で那覇に行き、土曜日は普通にダイビング、日曜日は奇跡の川で淡水魚三昧といった感じでした。
Last weekend, I took a short trip to Okinawa main island and enjoyed scuba diving. I took last flight to Naha on Friday, enjoyed scuba diving on Saturday and enjoyed snorkeling at 'miracle' river. As usual, I took a lot of photos :)

First photo is Black-line Shrimp-goby which I took for the first time. Though similar environment exists in Amami island where I often visited, I have not seen this goby there. So I have seen this goby only in Kerama islands in the past. Thus, I was very happy :D

Below is yellow morph of the same goby. I knew existence of yellow morph, but hardly imagine that I can see it easily... How lucky I am!

Mertens' prawn-goby. Since see water was warm now, they were very active.

威嚇されているヤツシハゼも困っているような (^^;
Some of them were so active, that very aggressive.
It seemed Ornate prawn-goby which was threatened was embarrassed.

Also some Blue-spotted hole gobies were found. In general, I dived in shallow area and relaxed under the water.

密かに嬉しかったのが、、こちらのモヨウシノビハゼ♪♪♪ 実は写真に撮りたい!と長らく思っていた種類だったのでした。エキジット直前でエアが殆どなかったので適当にしか撮れなかったのが残念でしたが、、この程度の写真でも撮ったのは初めてだったのでルンルンでした
Cheek-streaked goby which I was excited to take photo, since I wanted to see and take photo of them for a long time!!! Since I found it just before exit and did not have enough air to take photo with certain care, I could not take good photo. But still happy :-)

そして、、こちらはイイジマウミヘビ? 最近、川や森でイモリやらサンショウウオやらカエルやら普通に撮っているので、、その流れで自然に撮ってました (^^; いや~結構動きがあるので、撮り難いですね。
Probably Ijima's turtle-headed sea snake. Since I usually take photos of Japanese fire belly newt, salamander and frogs, I repeated same also under the water. Since he or she moved so quickly, it was little bit hard to take photo.

水深3m程度の場所で太陽光が強烈に当たっている場所でしたが、、それでもストロボを何回か発光させるとソッポ向いてしまいました (^^; やっぱり眩しいんですね
Yellow and pink (?) colored Threespot seahorse(?).
I saw them 3 m under sea level and sun shined directly there. But after I took some photos with flash for a few times, they looked the other way. Even in such a bright place, they are still sensitive to flash right.

ヘコアユの幼魚。実は幼魚って見た記憶がありません! なので、刺さりまくり (^^;
Juvenile of Razorfish which I have not seen!!! So that I spent a lot of time to take photo :D

I also saw adults


On Sunday, it was a fever day of Lentipes armatus. (English name is unknown.)
I saw a male is turning to mating color which I did not see in April.

Some male was appealing to female with unique pause.

Some males with brown color were fighting. And indeed, they were very active.

By the way, I have not seen a fish with brown color. So that my first impression was somewhat different specie.


Regarding other fishes, I did not see so much.
For example, I did not see any male of Stiphodon atropurpureus which I saw several last time. (Just some females)
Though I saw more Sicyopterus lagocephalus than last time, they were timid as usual.

う~ん、、何が原因なんでしょうね?? 8月頭の台風のせいで流されてしまったのか、、はたまた季節的なものなのか・・・気になります。
Situation was same with Stiphodon percnopterygionus and most of fish I saw was female. Uhhhhm what caused this change??? Most of male was carried away to downstream ? which I doubt. Or is this common in the mid of summer??


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