
Northern Queensland4: Raptores 2nd

さて、、今日も引き続いて猛禽類の紹介をしていきます♪ ・・・既にネタが切れ気味ですが(笑) 

I will continue to show Raptores' photo, though I already don't have so many stock of photos..
Below is Pacific Baza.

When I was moving by car, I saw falcon like bird was flying to the tree. Then, we got out the car and came close to the bird which was on the tree. To say honestly, I expected the bird would soon fly away.

But the bird did not move at all, even I and guide came closer. Then I found the bird was eating lunch. (Its lunch was a kind of grasshopper.)

この鳥、そんなに大きくはありませんが、バッタの方はなかなかの大きさですね^^ おかげで食べきるのに結構時間がかかってました。
This bird was not so big, but its lunch grasshopper was quite big enough, and it took certain time to eat all.

暫くすると、、別の個体まで近くに飛んできました! なんてラッキー♪♪♪ 名前の通りカッコウっぽい胸の縞模様が綺麗でした。
After for a while, another bird flew close to the bird. How lucky I was!!! As Japanese name of this bird contains the word 'Cuckoo', stripe patter on the chest was beautiful.

お次は、、、アカオオタカ!!!!・・・の巣です (^^; アカオオタカも見たい鳥の上位にあったのですが、、ちょうど営巣していない時期だったらしく巣は空っぽ。。。残念ですが、こればっかりは仕方がないですね。次回に期待ってところですね
Next bird is.........Red Goshawk!!!!! 's nest. :p   Red Goshawk was one of the top of my list to see in this trip. However, they were not active for nesting at that time, and its nest was empty. Since it is nature, there is no way. I wish to see them in next trip.

Though not good photo, this is Black-breasted Buzzard. During drive back to Cairns, the guide suddenly stopped the car and told me it was flying over the car. Unfortunately, the bird was already far away and flying away.. Next time...

Mid of Sep in northern Australia is late stage of dry season. Thus, everywhere was dried up. Especially glasses in dry forest was turned brown, and seemed very easy to burn.
And I often saw bush fire, though I had no idea whether it was caused by nature or human.

ついでながら、ユーカリの乾燥林にブッシュファイアがあっても、木々が完全に燃えきる事はありません。なので、二週間もすれば木々や地面から新芽が吹き出し、一面に緑色になるんだそうです。パッチ状に森が新緑に包まれているのを見かけたのですが、、それは少し前にブッシュファイアがあった証拠・・・となるんだとか。。 日本だと新緑は春とのイメージが強いですが、、所変われば随分変わるものですね~
Unexpectedly, I often saw Raptores was flying close to the fire. This was because they tried to catch small animals (such as grasshopper and lizard) which ran about to escape from fire. I used to think animals hate fire, this was surprising to me.
By the way, trees and glasses in eucalyptus forest are not completely burned by bush fire. After two weeks later from fire, trees and glasses sprout at the same time and forest is colored in green. During my stay, I saw some patches of forest were colored in bright green. So this indicates that some bush fire were there a few weeks before.
In Japan, I used to associate sprout with spring. How different it is in different place.

This is also not a good photo, brown falcon on the anthill which looks stone, but not.

Today is last bird is Whistling Kite which I often saw in Northern Territory in the past.

This bird was nesting. This nest was on the tree just next to the path.

Another Whistling kite which I saw in late afternoon. When I found this bird, it was eating road kill.


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