
Penguins on the hill

年明けからスライド作成や、東京や知床に週末遊びに行っていたせいでバタバタしていました。羅臼から約一週間前に帰ってきたばかりですが、それも遥か昔の出来事のようです(汗) が、ようやく一息付いたような気がします。
I has been busy for creating slide, taking a short trip to Tokyo and Shiretoko (Rausu) since start of this year. I just came back from Rausu on last Monday, but I feel it was long time ago.
Now I finally feel somewhat relaxed.  

Then, I reminded I forgot something... Yes, it is about my trip to Falkland Islands!
From now, I resume talking about animals I watched in Falkland Islands.

First topic is about Carcass island. Since this island is rat free, many small birds inhabit as well as penguins. In this island, Magellanic penguin and Gentoo penguins can be seen.
With a map, I started walking and noticed colony of Gentoo penguins is on the middle of the hill.

After walking for a while, I did not find find anything which associate with colony. Since many penguins breed in a colony, it usually smell, if I came closer to it. But, I did not smell anything.

After climbing a hill further, I found it. But it was on the top of hill. According to the map, the height is 500feet (about 170 m) from sea level.

ジェンツーのコロニーってもっと海に近い場所にあると思っていただけに衝撃的でした。海からの往復をするだけでも大変そうですね (^^;
I hardly imagine there is a Gentoo colony in such a higher area. It would be hard to go and back between the colony and sea.

背景が開放的なので写真も撮りがいがあります♪ こちらは、、伸びをしながらさりげなく僕の方をチラ見していたところです・・・
But, here was good to take photo, since background is open. This penguin glanced at me during stretching.

Of course, I saw some penguins had chicks, and I wanted to watch them for long. However, wind blew very heavily on this day, and there was nothing to hide... so I was obliged to escape after 1 hour of watching...

Climbing down to the hill took me to the shore and plain area.

ペンギンの姿も多数ありましたが、草むらにはシギの一種(Magellanic Snipe)もチラホラ。草丈が短いので簡単に見つけられます♪ シギの仲間は日本であまり見かけた事がないのでちょっと嬉しいです。
There were many penguins and some Magellanic Snipes were seen. Since glass was not so high, it was relatively easy to find them comparing with those in Japan. Since I did not see snipes in Japan so frequently, I was so happy.

On the beach, I saw enormous number of Magellanic penguins. But they were very shy and I could not come closer to them..

And I found another colony of Gentoo close to the beach.

Since wind blew less hard here comparing with top of the hill, I spent long time to watch them and found chicks were not satisfied at all, even though their parents gave food a lot! What a hard job breeding is...

小型の鳥ではありませんが、今回無数のフォークランドカラカラを見かけました。猛禽類なので通常は高密度で生息していることはない筈ですが、、優に20羽は見ました (^^;
As I wrote in the beginning, Caracas island is rat free and many small birds inhabit.
Though it is not small bird, I saw a lot of Striated Caracara. Since they are raptor, it is not common many birds live in a place in high density. But I saw more than 20 in small area.

Since they are very curious, they often walked behind me.

他にも多く見かけた鳥と言うと、、Long-tailed Medowlark。こちらはオスの幼鳥です。
Another bird I saw frequently was Long-tailed Medowlark. This is a juvenile of male.

こちらは、Black throated finchのメス。オスは文字通り喉が真っ黒な色をしてます。(オスの写真は後日紹介します)
Female of Black throated finch. As its name indicates, male has black throat. (I will show male afterward.)  

Today's last photo is scenery in Carcass island. As you can see, there are no big trees here. I guess this because strong wind often blow. Anyway this scenery is very unique and remind me Iceland.

To be continued

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