
Costa Rica 6: Caribbean side

そして、、東から吹き込む湿った貿易風がコスタリカ中央部の山脈にぶつかるので、、カリブ海側は非常に雨が多いのです。なので、、サラピキは高温多湿! スーツケースを部屋の中で開けっ放しにしておくと、、中に入れている服がシットリする・・・そんな感じの場所です (^^;

After staying in cloud forest, I headed to lower land in Caribbean side. Since trade wind constantly blows from east to west and hit higher mountains in the middle of the country, it rains a lot here.
Therefore, the area is hot and very humid. If suitcase is opened for a few hours, the clothes in it gets somewhat wet.
So looks of the forests was quite different from cloud forests.


And animals seen here were quite different from those of cloud forest.
This is variegated squirrel which I could also see in cloud forest.


Male of Three-toed Sloth.
When I found him, he sat on the top of the tree. A few minutes later, he started moving.

But it was so slow, as the name as expected ;-)


Finally, he started to eat a fruit of the tree. Since I read sloth spends most of time for sleeping, I did not expect I could see it moving. Again, I was very lucky!


On this day, I spent most of time to move to Caribbean low land. Even in the night, I felt the big difference of environment. It is here is a lot of flogs, toads and lizards!


This is Gaudy Leaf Frog which I wanted to see for a long time.

Round eyes, blue color in the sides looks photogenic.

さて、、カエル撮影の際はINONのライトで照らして撮っていたのですが、、光を向けていると、、一つ気になる事がありました。それは、、ライトを照らしていると、あれよあれよと言う間に黒目の部分がめっちゃ細くなっていったことです f(^_^;A

When I took photos for these Gaudy Leaf Frogs, I light it up with underwater torch. But, their black eyes soon became very thin!! I guess torch was very shining for them... but I was surprised to see big change of their 'looks'.


Since they are nocturnal, they sleep behind the leaves in the daytime. They mimic leaves very well.


This is egg of the flog. Like a Forest Green Tree Frog in Japan, they also lay eggs behind the leaves which faces water. (Though they don't create bubble.)


Remarkable flogs here is Black and Green Dart Frog!
This flog is also one the 'must to see in CostaRica'.


Since dart flogs have put strong poison on the surface of their body, no animals eat them. Thus, they are active in the daytime.


But they live in the bed of rain forest. So I took their photos with some scare on venomous vipers. :((


This is another dart flog 'Blue Jeans Dart Frog'.


Japanese name (Strawberry dart flog)  associates me the name came from the red color of the body. On the other hand, English name associates me the name came from the blue color of the foot.
It is interesting to know the difference of the sense of naming between two different culture.


Blue Jeans Dart Frog is even more small than lack and Green Dart Frog. Total length of the body is smaller than 3cm. So I had to take photos of them by putting my face very close to the ground..


I notices several variety of body color exists. Below flogs looks more orange.


Within a few hours after arriving at Caribbean lower land, I was surprised to see the difference of the environment and animals that live in it!

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