
Costa Rica 12: Climax

ようやくコスタリカで撮った写真の整理がほぼ終わりました♪アルバムをアップしたので見に来てください~ これで海の日前後に遊びに行ったカナディアンロッキーで撮った写真の整理が出来そうです^^
Finally I finished to check and arrange photos I took in CostaRica, and put some of them in Picasa!! Below is a link to the album. Now, I can start to check and arrange photos I took in Canadian Rockies in the mid of July this year :p


And this is the last topic on CostaRica. Since I still have a lot of photos and short stories on animals, people and country, I will introduce afterward by chance.
The last destination in CostaRica was Carara national park. Here locates in Pacific side of the country where is almost border of two different type of forest. One is tropical dry forest, Another is tropical rain forest. For this reason, it is said many kind of animals can be seen here.

What is special here is Scarlet Macaw.

インコと言うと、、このインコを思い出す人も多いんじゃないでしょうか? 真紅・黄色・青色が混じった体色はとても野生の鳥だとは思えませんよね (^^;
I think some people may think of this bird, if they are asked to pick up parakeet. As you can see, body color is mix of crimson, yellow and blue. Since they are so colorful that it may be difficult to understand this color is natural.

This Scarlet Macaw, as good as Great Green Macaw, have decreased its population. I heard they could be seen widely over the country in the past. But now they inhabit only in a few areas. As long as I learned, the big reason for decrease of population was due to their feeding habitat.

Bot Macaw eat nuts of specific almond as a main food. In case of Great Giant Macaw, the tree had great value as timber. So that many trees were cut down in the past, they lost food and place to breed.
For Scarlet Macaw, it seems the almond tree which they feed do not have great value as timber. But mangrove areas where almond trees inhabited were opened up and trees were cut down. so...


でも、、、ガイドの人もビックリするくらいの数を見れました(笑) 少なくとも二桁は見ました! やはり引きが強いんでしょうか♪ 
Before I came to Carara, I heard number of birds are not so much. And I thought it would be good   if I can see a few of them. 
But, in the end, I saw dozen of them and my guide was very surprised. Uhhhm, as suspected, I has something like pheromone which attracts wild animals :)

Carara national park is located close to the coast line and big river is running in the park.
At first I took a boat and watched animals around mangrove forest.

As expected, the number of animals and number of species was abundant. Here I saw wild racoon for the first time in my life, though I could take only back of it.
Below is probably adult of Mangrove black-hawk.

Looks of mangrove forest was like below. Since mangrove forest is covered with mud, I did not step out of the boat.

Then I saw second specie of crocodile 'alligator'. They were very big and sometimes attack human, which was quite different from Spectacled caiman which I saw in Cano Negro.
For me, it looks quiet similar with crocodile in Australia.

Actually I saw many of them.

もちろん、、水の色は茶色。。河口域ならではの面白い魚がいるんだろうな~、と思うものの、、ここでは間違っても潜りたくないです f(^^;
Of course, color of the water was brown. I assumed many interesting fish also inhabited here, I did not want to go under the water here.

On the branch of mangrove tree, I saw white ibis. In the past, I have seen several kinds of ibis. But this color fit much better to my image on Ibis.

Also I saw Black Vulture was standing on the sand.

When I looked up, I saw juvenile of Magnificent Frigatebird was flying.

Also I saw juvenile of Mangrove black-hawk in close distance.

Then I walked around in Carara National park with guide. After walking in jungle away from walking track, I saw very big fig tree which is thought to be more than 1000years old.
By the way, since here is tropical forest, many venomous animals live in here including snakes. So I felt somewhat thrill during walking.

I saw a few kind of mammals.  Below is White-nosed Coati. They were very lovely.

I saw it in national park office. Though they are lovely animal, they sometimes scavenge for waste.  Actually I saw it opened the waste basket and picked up waste.

I also saw small white bat.

And White-throated Capuchin.

When I saw them in distance, they seemed to be old man who wore black hat.

They were very pretty indeed, though noisy.

Below Orange-collared Manakin. They sang a song very uniquely. It sound like a snap of fingers, I could hardly imagine the sound was made by a bird!!

Below is an end of photo which I took in daytime.  I have no idea of the name of this butterfly...

At night, I was walking in the forest to see nocturnal animals.
Below is a kind of lizard.

Amazingly I found hummingbird sleeping on the tree!! Probably this is Rufous-tailed hummingbird. 

Also I found grasshopper whose face looks like human being.

A kind of lizard was hanging down the tree...

なんとタランチュラの一種まで見つけました!! いや~テンション上がりました♪
I also found a kind of tarantula!!!!! And I was very excited :))

After walking in the forest, I came back to my room, then found big Gecko whose length is more than 20cm!! From morning till mid-night, I enjoyed watching many kinds of animals very much. Since I was so excited, I change my travel plan and stayed one more night in Carara :p

In total, I stayed in CostaRica for 9nights and 10days, but it was too short. Since it is difficult to take longer vacation, I want to stay longer in a place by reducing the number of place to visit in the next visit.

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