
Northern Queensland1: Overview

From Sep 16, I took summer vacation and traveled in northern Queensland in Australia and enjoyed watching animals and birds. At first, I went to Lakefield national park in Cape York which locates north east of Australia, then visited tropical rain forest and dry forest around Cairns.

Lakefield national park is about 400-500 km away from Cairns and only be reached by car and access is not good. The biggest reason to visit here is to see Golden shouldered parrot. They were more beautiful than I expected.
Before I travel, I wondered to visit here or Iron range national park. I think my conclusion to visit here was good decision.

Next remarkable bird is Southern Cassowary. I saw them in the tropical rain forest in Kuranda. I have seen them in the zoo, but never seen wild one. As expected, to see birds in the nature was much better than to see that in the cage.

Green Ringtail Possum which I saw during night watching.

こちらはメガネオオコウモリ。オオコウモリを見るのは二回目なので、かなりはまりました♪ 因みに初めて見たのは、セイシェルに分布しているセイシェルオオコウモリでした。写真はコチラ
Here is Spectacled Flying-fox. Since this was my second time to see fruit bat, I was so excited to see them. By the way, my first fruit bat is Seychelles flying fox in Seychelles. Link to to photo is here.

その他、、昼間にも関わらずカモノハシも観察♪ 夜行性の動物だと思っていましたが、クイーンズランド州では日中でも活動しているんですね。思い切りオープンスペースな場所だったので、驚きました。以前、タスマニアで見た時は木々の生い茂った川でしたので。。
Then, watched Platypus even in daytime. I thought this animal is nocturnal, but heard the population in Queensland are active in daytime. Since they swam in the open space, I was also surprised. When I saw them in Tasmania, they were in the river where high trees were hanging onto it.

Agile Wallaby. I saw them in many places. I took this photo on the highway near to Lakefield NP. As you can see, the road was not sealed and cloud of dust was raised everytime when car passed.

Forest kingfisher. This bird was also seen in many places.

Though it may looks sober from above angle, their back is very colorful.

I also saw many species of Raptores. This is Pacific Baza. This bird had crest and looked cool.

こちらはシロガシラトビ。これらに種以外にも色々と見かけたのですが、、生態系の上位にある猛禽たちが何でこんなにいるんだろう?と途中から不思議に思いました。実際、何ででしょうね? 餌が豊富だから??
Brahminy kite. I saw many kinds of Raptores other than these two. Usually they are on the top of food chain and number of them is less. I simply why here are so many kind and number of them. Is this because here is rich in the food? or ???

For finch, I saw several species, including Star finch.

For parrot, other than Golden shouldered parrot, I saw several species. Below is Little Corella.

Papuan Frogmouth. I saw this bird for the first time, but it was very hard to find them without any input from other people..

For water bird, I watched flock of Black Swan...

カザリリュウキュウガモも、去年の同じ時期に訪れたMt Borradaileと同様群れてました
And flock of Plumed whistling duck like I saw them in Mt Borradaile last year.

Striated pardalote. The small hole behind the bird is the nest.

White-browed robin. Even in a small place surrounded by trees, I saw many kind of birds and animals.

Today's last is a kind of termite. Solder of this termite has pointed head. Since they don't have any jaws, they spit mucus to protect their nest. I wonder how their attack is effective..

This is very a few of birds and animals which I saw in this trip. From now I will show them.

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