
FI: Kingdom of Animal ~Prologue~

何か大切なものをアップし忘れている・・・事に気付きました。そう!昨年末~年始に行ったフォークランド諸島の話です!毎年のように年始に海外出張が入るせいで、凄く中途半端になっていました。って事で、、暫くフォークランド諸島の事をつらつらと書いていきます♪ 帰国直後に大まかな事を書いていたので、位置関係とかはこちらを見てください^^

I just reminded that I forgot to write something about Falkland Islands where I traveled from end of last 2010 to beginning of 2011. Since I just wrote a few on FI, I will some more about there from now :)

さて、、フォークランド到着直後、ダーウィンと言う居住地に行きました。居住地と書いた心ですが、、街や村と呼べるほど人が住んでいないから (^^; ここには6人か8人の人しか住んでいないのです。そして、、その中の一家族が宿をやっていると言うわけなのです。
因みに、、こんな場所はフォークランド諸島の各地にあります。と言うか・・・ここには街は一つしかありません (^^;
After I arrived at Falkland Islands, I moved to a settlement whose name is Darwin. Here 6 (or 8?) people live in and one family operate accommodation in nice area. In Falkland Islands, settlements are scattered around the country. In another word, there is only one city here.

Darwin was surrounded with meadows like below.

Since wind blew almost constantly and latitude is high here, no big tree can grow up. For me, this scenery looks like the view of Iceland.
After putting my baggage, I went to see a bridge where people used to move sheep from one island to another.

「強風にあおられて海に落ちる危険がある注意して!」と言われたのが、ごくごく自然に思えるくらいです。 と言うわけで、、少し離れた場所から、、記念写真を撮ってもらいました (^^) 
Though it may be difficult to imagine from this photo, wind blew heavily. Though sea was surrounded with many creeks, but its surface was waving. Before I got off the car, I was asked to be very careful not to slip into the water. Actually I could feel the danger with reality.

Then I was taken photo with bridge ;-)

Then I walked back to Darwin. After I walking through mine area,,,

Goose Greenと言う少し大きな居住地に辿り着きました。ここも住民の数は10-20人くらいだったかな?
I saw the entrance of Goose Green where is bigger settlement than Darwin. I forgot the detail, but   population here was about 10-20?

After going through entrance, some birds were getting easy to be seen. First species is
Long-tailed Meadowlark which is endemic to Falkland Islands.

This is also endemic bird to FI 'Falkland Thrush'. Most of birds I saw had larva in their beaks. It seemed less food were available here, it was likely not.

Here is larger settlement than Darwin. but it did not take so long to walk around.

When I looked up, some Southern Giant Petrels which I mistook as albatross were flying.

All view was in the twilight....

As sun was going to set, the temperature which I felt was getting cooler and cooler. This was no wonder, since temperature itself was not high and wind blew constantly.

Traffic signal which stood along with the road. I simply wondered how many drivers view this signal in a day?  During this travel, I met tourists from Switzerland, France, Argentina and UK. They were nice people and loved Falkland Islands. Actually number of tourists is not so high, but I really wish not so many tourists rush here and collapse this environment.

The most popular farm animal was sheep. I guest here was too hard to live for other animals. When I traveled Patagonia several year before, I had similar sense and often saw mutton or lamb in the menu. (Since I love both of them, I did not have any trouble)

Here is an overview of Darwin.

And accommodation I stayed. People were kind, food was nice and I felt at home.

Around here, I saw several pairs and families of Ruddy-headed goose.

Also Rock Shag.

クリスマス明けの翌朝、ダーウィンから国内線でソーンダース島に向かいました。が、、ダーウィンの近くを見渡しても飛行場等は見当たりません!! ・・・と思っていたら、、近くの牧草地(?)に飛行機が着地しました^^
On Dec 26, I flew to Saunders island by domestic flight. In the morning, I simply wondered where the plane touch down and take off. Then, the plane landed on the grassland!
Yes!! all flights which lands suburb area uses these area as runway. Since small number of people lives in various remote area, this seems reasonable.
Below two photos are the one I took another day.

Body was colored in vivid red.

正式な航空会社の名前はFIGAS(Falkland Islands Government Air Service)です。因みに、予約状況から日々コースを変えてアイランドホッピングをしているとの事でした。なので、、自分の飛行機の搭乗時刻は前夜の晩にラジオで放送されます^^
The name of airline is FIGAS (Falkland Islands Government Air Service). And its route is changed daily to suit for the demand of guests. So announcement of the flight time and route was announced at the night before by radio.

それは・・・飛行高度がむっちゃ低いんです!! 高度は数百m程度ないんじゃないかって感じでした。
During flight, I found the airplane does not fly so high!! I seemed to me a few hundred of meter at the highest.

For me as a tourist, it was something like a scenic flight and enjoyed very much. In most time, the airplane flew over the uncultivated field where I did not see any human activity.

It sometimes flew over the settlement. Since number of population in west Falkland Islands is smaller than east Falklands Islands, I saw only a few.

I forgot how long it flew, I finally arrived at Saunders island after one stop.

そこは、、野生動物の楽園!なのですが、、飛行機が発着する場所は唯一の居住地で目に入るのは家畜と多少のマゼランペンギンでした (^^; 因みに、、この島の人口は確か6人くらい。島自体が個人の所有物なんだそうです。
The island was a paradise for wild animals. Since the airplane landed very close to the settlement, animals I saw from there was farm animals and Magellanic penguins. :) By the way, population of this island was about 6, and I heard this island is private. How nice it is!

What a peaceful place it is! After driving off-road for one hour, I arrived at a hut which located opposite side of the island beyond the mountain.

There, very wonderful scenery was spreading!!!!


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